The love that exists between a man and wife is romantic. It is often referred to as erotic love. It is one that gives rise to offspring through sexual relations of the couple. It is pretty exciting to have romantic love in your life. All people are born with a capacity to love and, it does not take a teacher to show people what it is. It is completely natural and it is felt by all people who are in good health. Romantic love is felt when people hit puberty. This is a time when certain feelings are awakened and you start to realize that you have abilities that you did not know about. It is governed by feeling and this is often through sexual experiences. When you grow up, you learn how to take charge and control those feelings best. When you identify someone to love, you cannot help but feel the attraction. The following are some of the things that will take place when you are preparing for this kind of love. You will start with flirting. Flirts are sexual tendencies which are very subtle but present. They are the very first point of contact sexually with a person.